The club was founded in 1929 and has been serving the community and enhancing the quality of life of everyone in our beautiful city. We not only stimulate an interest in gardening and the protection of environment as well as conduct meetings to learn more about gardening, the club works to improve the improve and beautify the community of Park Ridge. We are also Affiliates of the Park Ridge Park District and members of the Chamber of Commerce.
Ready to Join? Scroll Down to Become a Member Today! Or click here.
MEMBERSHIP - Come Grow With Us!
We currently have over 100 members and welcome new members anytime throughout the year. Some benefits of membership include:
Cost: $35 per person or $45 per couple annually
NOTE: Half-year dues are now in effect for $10 per person or $15 per couple for membership until June 2025
For more details, please provide contact information to our Membership Chairman. Please note that a link to our Privacy Policy can be found at the bottom of this page.
- Seven Free Informational Programs given by Guest Speakers
- Annual Christmas Dinner with Entertainment & Raffle Baskets
- Annual Workshop for Creating Spring Planters
- Opportunity to participate in the Annual Plant Exchange
- Ability to be Reimbursed for two Garden Clubs of Illinois Courses per Year (dependent on service hours and membership over 1 year)
- Free subscription to the Award-winning Garden Glories publication from the Garden Clubs of Illinois
- Opportunity to attend Field Trips to Horticultural and Historic Sites with Lunch and a stop at a Garden Center (fee required)
- Eligible to receive a $10 discount on Chicago Botanic Garden membership dues.
Cost: $35 per person or $45 per couple annually
NOTE: Half-year dues are now in effect for $10 per person or $15 per couple for membership until June 2025
For more details, please provide contact information to our Membership Chairman. Please note that a link to our Privacy Policy can be found at the bottom of this page.
Ready to Join? Become a Member Today!
New members are welcome to join the club at any time during the year!
Members joining now pay reduced half-year dues of only $10 for individuals or $15 for couples, which will cover their dues until June 2025. The Garden Club processes renewals for all members at the same time during the spring, regardless of when you initially joined the club. So, new members joining now will be asked to renew their membership at the normal rate of $35 per individual or $45 per couple by June 12, 2025, to continue their membership until June 2026.
Select the type of Membership from the drop-down box below.
*NEW Individual Membership
*NEW Couple Membership
Looking forward to seeing you at an Event or Meeting!
Members joining now pay reduced half-year dues of only $10 for individuals or $15 for couples, which will cover their dues until June 2025. The Garden Club processes renewals for all members at the same time during the spring, regardless of when you initially joined the club. So, new members joining now will be asked to renew their membership at the normal rate of $35 per individual or $45 per couple by June 12, 2025, to continue their membership until June 2026.
Select the type of Membership from the drop-down box below.
*NEW Individual Membership
*NEW Couple Membership
Looking forward to seeing you at an Event or Meeting!
Please list your name (or names for couples) below indicating what you would like on your NAMETAG and how to be listed in the Directory. For example, Michael might want to use Mike.
NOTE: If you use your PayPal account, please check that your contact information is current. You can always use the comments field above *or* send a message via the CONTACT page with changes such as newer email address, preferred name vesus legal name, etc.
We have many projects that members participate in throughout the year:
Plant Sale: Our 95th annual sale will be held on May 17, 2025. The committee works hard to gather new plants, as well as popular perennials, annuals, vegetables, and herbs for resale to the public as well generous donations from member gardens.
Garden Walk: We will hold our 30th annual Garden Walk on June 22, 2025, where garden club members and Park Ridge residents open their gardens to the public to entertain, inspire, and educate others to create their own gardens.
Donation to the Forestry Department: The club is funding a Legacy Project with the Forestry Department of the City of Park Ridge. The club donated $4,000 to supplement the city's Tree Canopy Program. The Garden Club is partnering with the city in selecting native trees to plant, where possible, in public areas. The donation was presented at the August 21, 2023, City Council meeting.
Park Ridge Tree Canopy Restoration: The club initiated a four-year partnership with the City of Park Ridge by donating to the Tree Canopy Parkway Reforestation Program. The program is designed to replace trees on city parkways that have been lost for various reasons. The first plantings were done in the Spring of 2018 and continued through the fall of 2021 resulting in the addition of 25 trees to the City's parkways.
Civic Plantings: The club currently maintains and improves various public gardens throughout the city. Locations include Hodges Park and two areas around the Park Ridge Centennial Activity Center.
Residential Beautification Awards: Our club and the City of Park Ridge co-sponsor this summertime event that recognizes homeowners who have worked to make their landscapes among the most attractive in the city.
Education: The club supplies local schools with flowers, plants, and age-appropriate descriptions on a regular basis as a means of educating and encouraging interest in horticulture.
Philanthropy: The club supports community projects by contributing to the Maine Township Annual Food Collection and partnering with the Center of Concern to deliver holiday flowers to the Center's clients. Donations of new toys, books, and games for pediatric patients are collected to benefit the Child Life Department of the Advocate Children's Hospital in Park Ridge.
Plant Sale: Our 95th annual sale will be held on May 17, 2025. The committee works hard to gather new plants, as well as popular perennials, annuals, vegetables, and herbs for resale to the public as well generous donations from member gardens.
Garden Walk: We will hold our 30th annual Garden Walk on June 22, 2025, where garden club members and Park Ridge residents open their gardens to the public to entertain, inspire, and educate others to create their own gardens.
Donation to the Forestry Department: The club is funding a Legacy Project with the Forestry Department of the City of Park Ridge. The club donated $4,000 to supplement the city's Tree Canopy Program. The Garden Club is partnering with the city in selecting native trees to plant, where possible, in public areas. The donation was presented at the August 21, 2023, City Council meeting.
Park Ridge Tree Canopy Restoration: The club initiated a four-year partnership with the City of Park Ridge by donating to the Tree Canopy Parkway Reforestation Program. The program is designed to replace trees on city parkways that have been lost for various reasons. The first plantings were done in the Spring of 2018 and continued through the fall of 2021 resulting in the addition of 25 trees to the City's parkways.
Civic Plantings: The club currently maintains and improves various public gardens throughout the city. Locations include Hodges Park and two areas around the Park Ridge Centennial Activity Center.
Residential Beautification Awards: Our club and the City of Park Ridge co-sponsor this summertime event that recognizes homeowners who have worked to make their landscapes among the most attractive in the city.
Education: The club supplies local schools with flowers, plants, and age-appropriate descriptions on a regular basis as a means of educating and encouraging interest in horticulture.
Philanthropy: The club supports community projects by contributing to the Maine Township Annual Food Collection and partnering with the Center of Concern to deliver holiday flowers to the Center's clients. Donations of new toys, books, and games for pediatric patients are collected to benefit the Child Life Department of the Advocate Children's Hospital in Park Ridge.
Park Ridge Garden Club
P.O. Box 637
Park Ridge, IL 60068
P.O. Box 637
Park Ridge, IL 60068